Rain Check

Will the Green Party hold the line? Talking LNG with John McElligott

May 15, 2023 Red Alert Dublin Season 1 Episode 3

Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) is sometimes framed as a necessary evil to guarantee energy security and a better alternative to coal. This interview with Kerryman Johnny McElligott tackles those questions head-on. McElligott also gives the inside story on so-called ‘good faith’ payments to Kerry Co Council and the impact of the war in Ukraine. 

To find out more

John McElligott ‘s website    http://safetybeforelng.ie/    features updates on the proposed LNG development, original sources and the proposal’s history.
Twitter @SafetyBeforeLng

2019 Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action debate on hydraulic fracturing with statements from scientist Paul Howarth, Julia Walsh of Frack Action and Johnny McElligott  https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/joint_committee_on_climate_action/2019-10-09/

Open letter to Eamon Ryan https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AxkPMyMh83L0yaMwtN2a5FDblfCM7v6iM-1Fc9RWdKY/preview 

‘Ryan mulls Green policy U-turn on commercial LNG terminal’  Business Post, 9 Apr 2023  https://www.businesspost.ie/news/ryan-mulls-green-policy-u-turn-on-commercial-lng-terminal/  

“In the last six months, Ireland reduced its natural gas consumption by 0.3%, falling far behind the EU average of 19%”  Irish Examiner, Feb 2023 https://www.irishexaminer.com/business/economy/arid-41077424.html 

Johnny McElligott video https://twitter.com/sli_eile_/status/1555559691010428928?s=20 

Climate Camp will run again this year from 9-13 August 2023. This time in Leitrim. https://climatecampireland.ie/   Forum/gathering/festival

What has happened to Ireland’s own gas fields?


Recorded 24 April 2023
Rain Check is on twitter @RedAlertDublin